Thank you, Joseph Salkowitz

Joseph SalkowitzWhen Theona Salkowitz passed away in 2023, portions of her estate were bequeathed to the Foundation thanks to her son and power of attorney, Joseph Salkowitz. Orphaned at a young age, Theona always had a desire to support adoption organizations.

Joseph managed his mother’s estate and executed her wishes after hearing of the Foundation and learning more about our mission.

“Both my parents were in foster care at a young age. This was during the Depression, and both living situations were on and off with their siblings,” shared Joseph.

Because neither of his parents were ever adopted, each of them experienced different struggles during their childhoods. In addition, Joseph knows several people who have grown their families through adoption, and he has seen firsthand how having a forever home has changed the children’s journeys.

“One couple was in their late 60's adopting a 9-year-old from Romania. This family were dental patients of mine, and I had the opportunity to provide their child with needed care,” he said.

“Another couple I have known for years have two adopted children, one with significant special needs.” While the family has navigated challenges, Joseph said he can’t imagine what the child’s life would have been like without the financial support, love and care of a permanent family.

Joseph felt confident in designating the Foundation as a beneficiary of his mother’s estate because of our strong financial ratings and our commitment to allocate a high percentage of funds raised directly to advance life-changing programs.

“I’m happy that an excellent, strong organization will benefit [from my mother’s gifts] and so will many orphans.”